
The price of the Pickup and delivery service is customer-specific. The price is affected by factors such as the capacity needed and the number of pickups and deliveries.


How it works

Make a contract with us for regular Pickup and Delivery Service. We will establish a schedule with you, according to which we will pick up the parcels and letters you are sending and deliver your incoming items to you. The service is provided flexibly in accordance with your business’s timetable: we can visit you several times a day or, for example, once a week. The pickup and delivery locations are also agreed in advance.

You can add nearly all of your incoming items to the service. The Pickup and Delivery Service has a fixed monthly price.

If needed, you can suspend your regular Pickup and Delivery Service for a holiday or other period of time. Please remember to submit the form at least one week before the desired start date of the suspension.