I will do fba pl product research, amazon product hunting for pl

0 Ratting (s) Bronze Medal Seller 0 orders in queue

About This Gig


Are you Looking for Amazon FBA Product Research?


You've come to the right place. I'm here to assist you in identifying profitable, winning products for your private label FBA business.


Do you have any custom requirements for the AMZ FBA product research?


No need to be concerned. Please share your specific product preferences, and I will locate and procure the item as per your request. It would be greatly beneficial to have your unique requirements before proceeding with the order, ensuring we commence the process on the correct path.

Look at my services:

  • Product Research
  • Product Hunting
  • Top 10 Keyword Research
  • Revenue Analysis
  • Competitor Research
  • High Demand with low Competition products
  • Verified Supplier Information
  • Differentiation Opportunities
  • Possible Improvements
  • Profit Margin Calculations
  • A to Z Account Management




  • Helium 10
  • Keepa
  • Jungle Scout
  • Merchant Words


Please reach out to my inbox to continue the conversation regarding the project.



  • Product Research
  • Sourcing Strategies
  • Amazon FBA
  • E-commerce
  • Market Analysis
  • Supplier Negotiation
  • Product Trends
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Inventory Management
  • Niche Selection
  • Wholesale Sourcing
  • Retail Arbitrage
  • Private Label Products
  • Trend Anal

Compare packages



  • 1 Product + Top 10 keywords + All tools data + verified supplier + Profit Margin



  • 3 Product + Top 10 keywords + All tools data + verified supplier + Profit Margin



  • 5 Product + Top 10 keywords + All tools data + verified supplier + Profit Margin
No of Revisions 1 1 1
No of day Completion 7 14 30

Key Points

Price: $5

Contact Seller


Hire me as Part Time or Full Time Contractor

Name: Ayesha Kalim - USA

Email: ayesha@innovative-edu.com


Certified Teacher and Trainer with 35+ Years of Experience.

I am passionate and ambitious to serve education to transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary performers, because I believe education is the only medium and holds the capacity to cater this change.

I take education as a tool to touch lives for a better tomorrow. As a change agent, I love to counsel and mentor people. Furthermore, as an instructor in digital-age learning environment, I apply my skills to create highly interactive learning platforms for my audience in the form of designing instructional programs, courses, and training sessions.